In article <2b49gd$>, (David Steele
KE6BID) wrote:
> I am considering buying the above equipment second hand, along with a GAP DX-VI and Butternut HF-6VX antennas,power supply for the HF rig, and some assorted bits and pieces. Both radios are about 4 years old.
> Could anyone who has or currently owns either radio give me an opinion on them. The asking price is $1400 for the package.
> Thanks in advance...
Our Ham club owns a TS-440S and I really love it. It is easy to use, works
well, and has some good features. I am about 3 months new to HF, so can't
give you a complete rundown, and we do use an external antenna tuner to a
triband beam and a folded dipole. I am leaning towards the TS-450SAT
though, since I would like to have the included computer interfaces and use
HAMWindows. A posting last week listed actual transactions for HF rigs,
and I will add the Kenwood portion of that list at the end of this mssg.
The package price sounds just a little high to me, depending upon the
options installed in the radio for filters, etc. Again, I am not the
expert, but just my opinion.
TS-120S OnAir $300 none fair condn
TS-120S Usenet $350 PS fair condn
TS-140 Private $550 none new condn,7/93
TS-140 Private $700 CW flt new condn,7/92
TS-180S Usenet $450 FC,CW flt fair condn
TS-430S Private $500 none good condn
TS-430 Private $600 FM bd good condn
TS440S/AT OnAir $750 2 flt, ant tunr new condn
TS440S/AT OnAir $850 2 flt, ant tunr new condn
TS-520 OnAir $300 None good condn
TS-520 Private $350 mic,manual,meter good condn
TS-520 Private $450 Heath amp,mic good condn
TS-520S Private $300 Heath amp,mic FC, good condn
TS-520S Usenet $375 CW flt,MFJ tuner good condn
TS-520SE YlloSht $350 VFO,spkr
TS-520SE OnAir $500 VFO,spkr,CW flt,
TS-530S Private $425 none good condn
TS-530S Private $550 spkr,desk mic good condn
R-599A + T Private $175 separate Rcvr/Xmtr needed repair
TS-690 OnAir $1800 CW flt,PS,stab,VM new condn, w/6m
TS-820 Hamfest NJ $400 none fair condn
TS-820S Usenet $165 none needed repair
TS-820S Usenet $575 CW flt,MFJ ant tr, prob with display
spare finals
TS-830S Hamfest LA $600 none good condn
TS-830S Hamfest Cincin $600 none good condn
TS-830S Retailer $650 desk mic good condn
TS-850S/AT OnAir $1250 3 flt, ant tunr new condn
TS-940SAT Usenet $1150 spkr,desk mic, good condn
ant tunr,CW flt
TS-940SAT Retailer $1450 VM,spkr,ant tunr good condn
TS-950S Retailer $2000 none good condn
TS-950S Retailer $2000 all options new condn
Sorry, didn't keep the name of the contributor, would like to give him